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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Sunday (on Saturday) Bloggin Comments (on Cyber Bullying endorsing Genny) to Mayor Sam for 8-30-14

 Its time to highlight those "Anonymous Maverick Commentators", who take the time to offer their respective insight/spin/chisme on our bloggin musings, (of course, we do not take responsibility, or endorse the comments noted here as true, but heck, sometimes they provide a tipoff worth further investigating ......., especially if the allegedly SHREDDING of tax documents is involve.).
 Former Maverick Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty R.I.P.
** Blogger's Notes: Happy Opening College Football Saturday as we bring this Special Edition of Bloggin Comments to Mayor Sam. Many of you spent quality time, keyboarding comments on the likes of "Disempowerment LA", "Broken Deal Cedillo", a Staffer name "Julio", the former Marleen Caudillo (now Fonseca), among others. But by far, most of your comments were in regards to El Sereno Bicentennial Parade Coordinator Genny "I like Cyber Bullying" Guerrero. While many of your comments (and our recent coverage) have focus on Genny's endorsing (or in Facebook Speak, "Like") of a cowardly Cyber Bullying Facebook Page (which continues to grow it lists of victims), the paramount issue of importance should be why a long time community Non-Profit, that has been the recipient of both public and private funds (from the likes of Wells Fargo, Health Net, Alta Med among others), has SHREDDED past tax records. Maybe that is why those who dare ask such questions have become victims of slanderous acts of Cyber Bullying in the 90032?---Scott Johnson.
Maybe the "best decision" for the likes of Health Net, is not to give money to a community organization that has SHREDDED past tax documents.

Anonymous said ........,
Genny is an angry self centered person. not happy at home? maybe certain LAPD SLO not doing the job right? hmmmm August 27, 2014 6:08 PM
Anonymous said ........,
Financial records got SHREDDED!! Wth! August 27, 2014 6:19 PM
Anonymous said ........,
Altamed and HealthNet should be informed August 27, 2014 6:21 PM
Anonymous said ........,
I work for the corporate offices at WELLSFARGO.. I'm sending this infor with the YOUTUBE Video to the them.. STOP CYBERBULLYIN.. August 28, 2014 7:47 AM
Anonymous said ........,
From WELLS FARGO website: We respect the human rights of our team members. We strive to foster safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces, including building and maintaining sustainable work environments where discrimination and harassment are not tolerated. STOP HARRASSMENT!! August 28, 2014 11:01 AM
Anonymous said ........,
It's so sad to see an Organization that has a history in our community go under by poor management. Genny and her mother Violeta should have never taken over Bicentennial to use it like their personal piggy bank. August 28, 2014 2:25 PM
Anonymous said ........,
keep to the facts .. Bicentenials management by a mother and daughter is questionable. Mostly after watching YouTube video " documents were shredded" . Not good news for sponsors  August 28, 2014 3:55 PM
Anonymous said ........, 
I'm not surprised! Bicentenial organization has been mismanaged for years. There's no accountability from Ms. Violeta Urbina or her daughter Genny Guerrero. They sure put up a good front to the community until you ask them for receipts .Claudia Sanchez August 28, 2014 5:58 PM
Anonymous said ........,
Bicentenial needs to formally apologize. A bunch of hypocrites stealing for their own profit. Joe Cano's wife Teresa Cano is on the board $$ August 23, 2014 11:00 AM
Anonymous said ........, 
JOSE HUIZAR is funding Thousands of $$$$ into supporting EL SERENO BICENTENNIAL PARADE every year. For What!! to support the violence in the community? August 22, 2014 3:35 PM
Anonymous said ........, 
Suspected Tax Fraud with Bicentenial. Know where your money is going. Genny didn't become a tax preparer just because... Takes a crook to know one August 23, 2014 10:50 AM
Anonymous said ........,
GENNY needs to clean up her act instead of community "cleanups" at HOLLENBECK with the SLO's August 22, 2014 9:56 AM
Anonymous said ........,
BICENTENNIAL has a bad fiscal record keeping. When I watched the youtube video and I heard
" shredding documents" out of the horses mouth, GENNY. I almost fell out of my chair.. August 22, 2014 9:39 AM
Anonymous said ........,
Shady stuff going on with GENNY GUERRERO and her mom. I don't give money to the BICENTENNIAL Parade because they both act paranoid regarding the Parade. REMEMBER GENNY! " who wants to know"? August 22, 2014 12:34 AM
Anonymous said ........,
JOE CAno is to stupid to know what's going on. He's alot of noise no balls. I bet you all Genny, Michelle, Marlene & Julio Torres are involved. don't let those losers get away with it. Must be another Huizar moment supporting violence. August 22, 2014 12:00 AM
Your comments always appreciated ..............
Scott Johnson in CD 14

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